By utilizing the services provided by LA REAT, you acknowledge and accept the Terms and Conditions outlined below. LA REAT reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Should you have any inquiries, comments, or complaints regarding our website, please feel free to reach out to us via email.

By registering or completing successful transactions on lareat.com, you consent to receiving updates about our products and your orders. All customers are required to register and log in to place orders on our site. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, customers also agree to receive promotional communications via email and SMS upon registration.

While we strive to ensure the accuracy of product and pricing information, in the event of unintentional typographical errors, LA REAT reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders. We provide estimated delivery times for our products and make every effort to meet our deadlines; however, actual delivery times may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

At LA REAT, we highly value your privacy rights. Therefore, we do not utilize or disclose any personal information shared by our customers on our website, such as names, addresses, email addresses, or contact information, to any external sources.

You are strictly prohibited from attempting to violate the security of our website. By agreeing to these terms, you confirm that the credit/debit card details or any other financial information provided by you for placing orders on our website are accurate and lawfully owned/obtained by you.

You understand and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for choosing to avail any product on our website, and LA REAT shall not be held responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever. Prior consultation with your doctor is recommended before using any of our products.

Information pertaining to nutritional diets and health-related matters provided on our website is presented in a generic manner and should not be construed as specific advice to you.

You understand that perishable products should be used immediately and prior to their expiry date.

By placing an order on our website, you agree to all the specifications described by LA REAT for the product, and you do so of your own free will.